when a defendant refuses a plea deal that ensures he will serve no jail time, two thoughts pop into my head-
1. this guy has absolutely nothing to lose and may as well roll the dice.
2. this guy firmly believes he is innocent of that with which he has been charged.
dharun ravi is no different than the next member of the perpetually plugged-in. i call them the pp generation and for the purpose of brevity, i will refer to them; henceforth, as the pp's.
much like their barely-older millennial brethren, the pp's rely heavily on some thing that involves a keyboard.
unlike the millenials, the pp's have the advantage of a new keyboard thing on the market faster than james patterson shits out his next book.
dharun ravi took full advantage of the www and did some research on his future dorm mate.
even to an old, white woman (because i asked one) this seems smart.
i would crap my jeansnotkhakis, at the suggestion i live in a confined space sleeping on a twin-bed across from a total strange person.
that old, white woman admitted to me she would do exactly the same thing.
dharun ravi discovered tyler clemente was, among many other things, gay. ravi's ability to creep further on clemente's www activity afforded ravi the opportunity to stumble upon gay-leaning web pages, and what culminated in a tragic death and 15 guilty verdicts for ravi.
but who is guilty and of what?
i would bet your left nut, if dharun ravi stumbled upon his roommate's activity on heterosexual porn sites, or girl-on-girl sites, or i like sheep sites, ravi's spy-cam would have been poised and ready for-
heterosexual dorm sex
girl-on-girl dorm sex
i like sheep sex
i believe 19 year old dharun ravi was open to watching just about any kind of sex, and if this surprises or shocks anyone, where have you been since 1999?
i do not believe hate should be an element in a crime, but more importantly, i reject the idea dharun ravi was driven by hate.
my guess - dharun ravi, a 19 year old college student, was pretty much driven by his testosterone-charged horny little dick.
not quite a phenomena here people.
i agree that a completely DISGUSTING invasion of privacy occurred.
dharun ravi- boo you.
to the rest of the pp'ers, let this be a lesson. unplug this shit.
it is going to destroy you.